SBI had recently issued the notification for the recruitment of candidates
in Clerical Cadre. This time too
lakhs of candidates will apply for this job and therefore the competition in SBI Junior Associate & SBI Agricultural
Associates / SBI Clerical Cadre will be tough. So, you have to prepare hard
for SBI Clerk exam 2016.
In this post we will
describe in brief the pattern and syllabus
of SBI Clerk / SBI Junior Associates
and Junior Agricultural Associate Exam 2016.
1)Pattern of SBI
Clerk Exam 2016:
Candidates appearing
in the SBI Clerk 2016 examination make
a notice of following points that the pattern is different from the last SBI Clerk exam.
A)Preliminary Examination: SBI
Clerk Preliminary Exam Pattern 2016 for Preliminary exam consists of 100 objective
questions carrying 100 marks and the time given is 1 hour. The Candidates will
be required to qualify in each section. It’s an objective type paper.
There will be 03
a) English Language :
30 questions

b) Quantitative
aptitude : 35 questions
c) Reasoning ability :
35 questions
B) Main Examination: It’s also an objective type paper. The
time duration for SBI Clerk Main Examination
is 2 hour 40 minutes. Main examination will consist of 190 objective-type
questions of 200 marks. The questions will be asked from various sections–
General Awareness, General English, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability
and Computer Aptitude.
The following sections
are in the SBI Clerk Main exam:
a)Reasoning &
Computers : 50 questions and will be of 60 marks
b)English language : 40
questions and will be of 40 marks
aptitude: 50 questions and will be of 50 marks
d)General awareness/
Financial Awareness : 50 questions and
will be of 50 marks
C) Negative Marking: The candidate should remember that 1/4th
mark will be deducted for each wrong answer in the SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2016.
D) Interview (subject to Govt. of India
approval): Candidates who
will qualify in the main examination will be placed according to their marks in
descending order in respective categories. Depending upon the number of
vacancies, high ranked candidates in the merit will be called for interview in
the ratio of maximum 3 candidates for each vacancy. Candidates are
required to score a minimum percentage as decided by the bank to be considered
for final selection.
E) Test of knowledge of official/ local
language in SBI Clerk exam pattern 2016: Candidates who have studied official (local) language and have
produced 10th standard mark sheet/certificate having evidence for the same,
will be exempted from the language test. For others, language test will be
conducted at the time of interview.
Important Note: The scores obtained by the
candidates in the Preliminary exam will not be considered for the preparation
of the final merit list. Only the scores obtained in the Main and Interview
will be added for the same (if interview is held).
2. Description of
SBI Clerk Syllabus 2016
Section wise SBI Clerk
aptitude – Number
system, Simplifications, Roots & Averages, Surds & Indices,
Percentages, Profit&Loss, Ratio& Proportion, Partnership, Chain rule,
Time & work, Pipes & Cisterns, Time & Distances, Problems on
trains, Boats & streams, Allegation & mixtures, Simple Interest,
Compound interest, Stocks&Shares, clocks&algorithms, mensuration,
Volume& surface area, permutations& combinations, heights&
Logical reasoning – logical reasoning questions
(verbal and non-verbal) ; Verbal reasoning (Analogy, Coding & decoding,
Blood relations, Sitting arrangements, Series completion, syllogisms, Decision
making, Statement reasoning); non verbal reasoning (Analogy, Series completion,
Computers – general knowledge of hardware,
software (Computer hardware, Operating System concepts, Shortcut keys, Ms word,
excel, Ms power point, access, Internet & networks, Basic security
concepts, Latest technologies).
Current affairs – The Current Affairs section of SBI Clerk Exam 2016 will include general knowledge and current
events (Knowledge of current events, Sports , history, geography, culture,
Indian constitutions, News about technology and research, News on India and its
neighbouring countries).
English language – General English (Vocabulary,
synonyms, Antonyms, Word formation, Sentence completion); Comprehension (Theme
detection, Deriving conclusions, Passage completion, Error detection, Passage
correction, Sentence correction, Spelling, Grammar, Idioms, Phrases).
If you have any query regarding syllabus of SBI Clerk exam/ SBI Junior Associate exam 2016, just
comment your query below we will help you....