Notification/ Jobs in Intelligence Bureau/ Intelligence Bureau India
Recruitment / assistant central intelligence officer recruitment/ Recruitment
in Intelligence Bureau / ACIO Recruitment/ IB ACIO 750 posts recruitment / mha
ACIO Recruitment / IB 750 posts acio recruitment 2013
IB ( Intelligence Bureau ) invites Online applications from
Indian Nationals for direct recruitment to the post of IB ACIO Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade-II/Executive,
General Central Service, Group-‘C’ (Non-Gazetted/Non-Ministerial) in the
Intelligence Bureau, (Ministry of Home Affairs), Government of India.
Applicants who fulfill the conditions of eligibility for the
post as given in para 1 below are advised to go through all parameters under
different paras and sub-paras mentioned below and satisfy themselves about
their suitability in age limit, essential qualifications, etc for the post
before applying.
Name of Post: ACIO-II
or Assistant Central Intelligence Officer - Grade II.
No. of Posts: 750 (UR-380, OBC-202, SC-112 & ST-56).
Age Limit:
18-27 years ,Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for
SC/ST and by 3 years for OBC candidates. Upper age limit is also relaxable for
Departmental Candidates with 3 years continuous service, upto 40 years and also certain other
categories in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by Central
Government from time to time.
Pay scale : Rs. 9300-34800 plus Grade Pay Rs. 4200 (PB-2)
(Plus admissible Central Government allowances).
Essential qualifications : Graduation or equivalent from a
recognized University.
Important Dates:
Last date for online registration:
12/ 08 / 2013
Written Test: 15/ 09 / 2013
Scheme of Examination : The written examination for the post
of ACIOII/Exe contains two papers namely Paper I (Objective type) and Paper-II
(Descriptive type on English language only). The total duration for both Papers
is 1 hour and 40 minutes. Paper I will focus on General Awareness/General
Knowledge, Reasoning, Comprehension and Mathematical ability while Paper II
will be designed to check the knowledge of English writing skill and analytical
Application fees: Fees for this recruitment Rs. 100/-
(Rupees Hundred only). Only male candidates belonging to General and OBC
category are required to pay the fee. All SC/ST and female candidates are
exempted from payment of examination fee.
How To Apply:
Candidates fulfilling eligibility criteria of the post, as
mentioned below, may apply ON-LINE through website.
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