Tags: canara bank recruitment 2013, jobs in banks, jobs in jandk
Canara Bank PO Recruitment/Canara bank Clerk Recruitment 2013 www.canarabank. in
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates in the
state of Jammu & Kashmir for enrolling to the training programme.
Canara Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank with Head Office
in Bangalore and pan India presence with over 3680
branches, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, is participating in
the Special Industry Initiative - Jammu & Kashmir (UDAAN) Scheme launched
by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
- A Residential Training Programme for Skill development will
be conducted for the identified graduate youth of J&K, from amongst those
enrolled for the training;
- 300 Candidates will be shortlisted initially for Training
based on academics / written test and /or interview, in co-ordination with
National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and Govt of Jammu & Kashmir;
- Duration of the training will be 3 months leading to a
certification at the end;
- Bank will be conducting selection process for successful
candidates for recruitment to the posts of 135 Probationary Officers and 15
Probationary Clerks; and
- The 150 candidates who came out successful in the selection
process, post training, will be appointed in the Bank.
Important Dates:
Opening Date for on-line registration in www.nsdcudaan.com :
Closing Date for on-line registration in www.nsdcudaan.com :
Selection Process for Recruitment:
Bank will be conducting Written Test, Group Discussion and
Interview for the candidates who have been certified successful in training for
recruitment to the posts of Prob. Officers and Clerks, depending on the option
given by them and their eligibility for the respective posts. The selection
process (Written Test, GD and interview) will be done by the Bank for these
posts after completion of each batch. Bank reserves the right to alter the
selection process, if required.
How to Apply:
Application format are also made available at all our
branches in Jammu & Kashmir and with the Nodal Officers at various degree
colleges in J&K. Candidates can also apply by submitting physical
application, as per annexed format, to any of the following Offices or to Nodal
Officers at Degree Colleges, during the above period.