ISRO Recruitment 2013 for the posts of Graduate Apprentice
and Technicians / ISRO Jobs / ISRO Recruitment
ISRO ( Indian Space Research Organiation ) invites
applications from Indian Citizens for the posts of Graduate Apprentice &
Applications are invited for the following training
positions under the Apprentices Act 1961 for LPSC units located at VALIAMALA
form candidates who have passed Degree/Diploma from a recognized
University/Board coming under Southern Region of Board of Apprenticeship
Training (ie Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh).
Important Dates:
Candidates can register their applications ON-LINE for the
13-08-2013 14:00 hrs to 23-08-2013 14:00 hrs.

Indian space programme was institutionalized in 1969 with
the formation of Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO]. Indian space
programme is aimed at promoting the development and application of space
science and technology for the socio-economic benefit of the country and also
providing valuable service to the Nation in a self reliant manner.
Name of the Posts and Total Job Vacancies in ISRO :
Graduate Apprentice (Mechanical) : 23 posts
Graduate Apprentice (Electrical) : 08 posts
Graduate Apprentice (Electronics) : 13 posts
Graduate Apprentice (Instrumentation) : 04 posts
Graduate Apprentice (Chemical) : 03 posts
Graduate Apprentice (Computer Science) : 08 posts
Graduate Apprentice (Civil) : 06 posts
Graduate Apprentice (Library Science) : 09 posts
Technical Apprentice (Mechanical) : 50 posts
Technical Apprentice (Electrical) : 12 posts
Technical Apprentice (Chemical) : 06 posts
Technical Apprentice (Computer Science) : 05 posts
Technical Apprentice (Civil) : 10 posts
Technical Apprentice (Commercial Practice) : 15 posts
Age :
Age (as on 23-08-2013 ): For Code Nos. 742 to 755 is 35
years and for code No. 756 is 26 years (relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST
candidates & 3 years for OBC candidates). Persons with disabilties(PWD) are
eligible for upper age relaxation as per Government of India Rules.
For More Details Click : ISRO Recruitment of GraduateApprentice and Technicians