SSC Cabinet Secretariat Exam answer key 2013/SSC CS Answer
key 2013/ SSC Cabinet Secretariat Answer key download/ SSC Cabinet Secretariat
Exam Cut off marks / SSC Cabinet Secretariat Solved paper / SSC Cabinet
Secretariat Exam Answer Key Set A,B,C,D
Recruitment for Various posts in Cabinet Secretariat Exam.,
2013 - keys used by the Commission for the different question paper/Test Forms
Staff Selection Commission conducted an open examination for
recruitment to the various posts in Cabinet Secretariat at different centres
across the country on 16.6.2013. The Commission used the following Test
Question Booklets/Test Forms Nos. in different sessions of the said
Large number of candidates appeared
SSC Cabinet Secretariat
Exam 2013 in various exam centers all over
India. SSC Cabinet Secretariat Exam
2013 was held for 229 Group B and 50 Group C Non Gazetted Posts.
All the candidates were waiting for SSC Cabinet Secretariat
exam answer key 2013, so that they can analyse their chances of selection. SSC
had uploaded SSC Cabinet Secretariat exam answer key on the official web portal
of SSC. The direct link to SSC Cabinet Secretariat answer key 2013 is given
A - Test Question Booklets/Test Form No. used
Morning Session

1. 555 TP 6
2. 666 SO 7
3. 777 RN 8
4. 888 QM 9
Evening Session
1. 111 KG 2
2. 222 LH 3
3. 333 MI 4
4. 444 NJ 5
The answer keys of the questions in respect of different
Test forms are now placed on the Commission’s website:
Discrepancies relating to questions/incorrect keys, if any, should be brought
into the notice of the undersigned on or before, 26th July, 2013.
SSC Cabinet 2013 Secretariat answer key, SSC CS Answer key
2013 , SSC CS 2013 solved question paper ,SSC 2013 Answer key download