Tags: shinzo abe,new pm of japan,prime minister of japan,pm shinzo abe
Shinzo Abe has been elected as new PM of Japan. Japanese
Parliament handed the Prime Ministry over to Shinzo Abe, who said that fixing
the economy is Japan’s no.1 priority.
Shinzo Abe was PM in 2006 and 2007 before he resigned. He is
now replacing Yoshihiko Noda of the liberal Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ).
The grandson of a former PM, Abe has staged a stunning
comeback five years after resigning as premier in the wake of one-year term
troubled partly by scandals in his cabinet and public outrage over lost pension
Former PM Taro Aso, named new finance minister and also
received the financial services portfolio.
Former trade and industry minister, Akira Amari becomes
minister for economic revival.
Japan’s new foreign minister is likely to be Fumio Kishida,
who served as a state minister affairs during Abe’s previous tenure.