1. A marketing survey is required for __________
a. Deciding marketing strategies
b. Deciding product strategies
c. Deciding pricing strategies
d. All of these
2. A ‘Call’ in marketing language means ___________
a. Calling on a salesperson
b. Calling on a customer
c. Making a phone-call
d. None of these
3. The target group for Education loan is _______
a. All colleges
b. All parents
c. Research scholars
d. Meritoriuos students seeking higher education
4. Cross-selling means ____________
a. Selling with a cross face
b. Cross country marketing
c. Selling other products to existing customers
d. Selling to employees
5. ‘Customization’ means __________
a. Tailor-made products for each customer
b. Customers selling goods
c. Tailor-made products for each staff
d. A selling process
6. Market segmentation is useful for _________
a. Preferential marketing
b. Targeting existing clients
c. Identifying prospects
d. Knowing customers’ tastes
e. All of these
7. The target Group for savings depost Accounts is
a. Newborn babies
b. Students
c. Parents
d. Businessman
8. Market Segmentation can be resorted to by means of
a. Segmenting by age
b. Segmenting by income
c. Segmenting by geographically
d. All of these
9. The target gorup for a Car loan is ___________
a. All auto drivers
b. All auto dealers
c. All car owners
d. Any individual needing a car
10. Market information means ___________
a. Knowledge of industries
b. Knowledge of households
c. Knowledge of peers
d. Knowledge of customer’s tastes
11. Market share can be increased by _____________
a. Increasing the number of sales persons
b. Increasing the sales volume
c. Increasing the products
d. Increasing production
12. Market segmentation means
a. Segmentation of sales teams
b. Allocation of territory
c. Sales arrangement
d. Segmentation of target group according to their needs
13. Referral means ___________
a. Sales person
b. All customers
c. Lead provided by operation staff
d. Calling the existing purchasers
14. “USP” in marketing means
a. Unique Selling Practices
b. Uniform Selling Practices
c. United Sales Persons
d. Unique Selling Proposition
15. The meaning of “Conversation” in terms of sales is
a. Designing new products
b. Converting Purchasers into sellers
c. Converting sellers into purchasers
d. Converting perspective customers into purchasers
16. Online Marketing is mostly useful for marketing of
a. Saving Accounts
b. Credit cards
c. Home loans
d. NRI deposits
17. Cross selling means
a. City to city sales
b. Selling with cross face
c. Selling with crossed finger
d. Selling products to existing customers
18. Marketing Strategy means ?
a. Ideas for new employment
b. Old techniques of selling
c. Techniques for improving marketing activities
d. Techniques for increasing production
19. Target group means ?
a. All purchasers
b. All sales persons
c. Targeted purchasers
d. All consumers
20. What is the USP of saving accounts ?
a. High rate of interest
b. Easy operation
c. Risky transactions
d. Expensive transactions