1)The head quarter of International Monetary Fund(IMF) is in
Washington (USA)
2)The head quarter of World Health Organization(WHO) is in Geneva
3)The head quarter of World Trade Organization(WTO) is in Geneva
4)The head quarter of World Intellectual Property Organization
is in Geneva (Switzerland).
5)The head quarter of World Bank or IBRD is in Washington
6)The head quarter of United Nation Development Program is in
New York (USA).
7)The head quarter of United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
is in
New York (USA)
8)SAARC Human Resource Development Centre is located in Islamabad.
headquarters of World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) is located in
A. Paris
B. Madrid
C. New York
D. Geneva
Answer: D
headquarters of Food and Agriculture Organisation is in
A. Washington B. Paris
C. Madrid D. Rome
Answer: D
Q3)Which of the
following countries is not a member of the G-8 group?
A. Germany B. France
C. Italy D. Spain
Answer: D
Q4)Which of the
following countries is not a member of SAARC?
A. Nepal B. Bangladesh
C. Afghanistan D. Myanmar
Answer: D
Q5)Who was the
first Indian to be President of UN General Assembly?
A. Mrs. Vijay
Lakshmi Pandit
B. Ramesh
C. Natwar Singh
D. Krishna Menon
Answer: A
Q7)The five
permanent members of UN security council are
A. Japan, West
Germany, USSR, UK and USA
B. Canada,
China, France, USSR and USA
C. Germany,
China, USSR, UK and USA
D. China,
France, USSR, UK and USA
Answer: D
NOTE:UN Security
Council has five permanent and 10 non-permanent members
Q8)When was the
South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) formed?
A. 1985 B. 1982
C. 1986 D. 1987
Answer: A
Q9)Which of the
following is the headquarters of World Trade Organisation (WTO)?
A. New York
B. Geneva
C. Madrid
D. Paris
Answer: B
Q10)Which of the
following countries is not a member of G-15?
A. Jamaica B. Indonesia
C. Columbia D. Peru
Answer: C
International Court of Justice is located at
A. Geneva B. Hague
C. Amsterdam D. Vienna
Answer: B
headquarters of International Atomic Energy Agency is located in
A. Vienna B. London
C. Geneva D. Washington
Answer: A
Q13)When was
SAARC founded?
A. 1982 B. 1984
C. 1985 D. 1983
Answer: C
Q14)Which of the
following is not a member of G-15?
A. Pakistan B. Malaysia
C. Indonesia D. India
Answer: A
of the World Health Organisation is located at
A. Geneva
B. Washington DC
C. New York
D. Rome
Answer: A
headquarters of U.N. is located in
A. Rome
B. Geneva
C. New York
D. Washington
Answer: C